
Ba Sing Se
Ba Sing Se is the capital of the Earth Kingdom as well as one of its constituent states, encompassing a large portion of the nation's northeastern corner.
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Chameleon Bay
Chameleon Bay is a small inlet located near the northern waters of the Eastern Sea in the northeastern Earth Kingdom. It is the mouth of a river that leads directly to the outskirts of Ba Sing Se.
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Foggy Swamp
The Foggy Swamp, often referred to as The Swamp, is a vast, mysterious wetland covering a large portion of the southwestern Earth Kingdom.
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Full Moon Bay
Full Moon Bay is a secluded cove in East Lake, located just south of Ba Sing Se. During the Hundred Year War, it was the location of a hidden ferry station that refugees from all over the southern portion of the Earth Kingdom came to on their way to Ba Sing Se.
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Gaoling is a large town located within a mountain range in the southern Earth Kingdom. It is home to both the wealthy Beifong family and the Earth Rumble VI tournament. An old and well-established town, Gaoling has a broad spectrum of citizens residing in it, ranging from the very rich to the very poor.
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Great Divide
The Great Divide, or simply the Divide, is a large canyon located in the rocky regions of the central Earth Kingdom and the largest canyon on the planet.
26 threads 28 posts (Android) Disney Team of Heroes apgaulės kodas padidina ištvermę
by donrephilhemdrea
Mar 6, 2022 19:09:47 GMT
Kyoshi Island
Kyoshi Island is located off the southern coast of the Earth Kingdom and dotted with many small villages. Predominantly a fishing port, this small island in the South Sea is a popular destination among traders and travelers. It is well known as the birthplace of Avatar Kyoshi and the residence of the elite Kyoshi Warriors, an all-female fighting outfit.
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Omashu is the second largest city in the Earth Kingdom. The tall mountain peak on which Omashu was founded is located in the Kolau Mountains in the southwestern Earth Kingdom. It rises high out of a deep chasm and was created by earthbenders several centuries prior to King Bumi's reign. Being built on this mountain provides the city with one of its best defenses; the only way to reach the gates of Omashu is across a long narrow bridge of stone that spans the sheer gorge.
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Scorched Forest
This scorched forest is a region of hilly and expansive woodland located in the vicinity of Senlin Village in the western Earth Kingdom. The forest suffered heavy damage from a wildfire ignited by firebenders.
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Seedy Merchants Pier
Seedy merchants pier, or simply merchant's pier, is the name of a trading port. Merchants from all corners of the world meet here to trade and make whatever amount of money they can. Together with numerous other colonies, it served as a meeting-place for the Earth Kingdom's booming black market economy, before the Four Nation Civil War, now it is a meeting place for Earth Kingdom con artists and thieves.
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The Ruins of the United Republic of Nations
The United Republic of Nations, wass a sovereign state created by Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko after the end of the Hundred Year War. It was formed from the oldest Fire Nation colonies established in the western Earth Kingdom and was created to serve as a society where benders and nonbenders from all four nations could live and thrive together in peace and harmony. The United Republic was known for having a unique culture, which was shaped by immigration and a technological revolution. After the Four Nation Civil War, the United Republic of Nations was turned from revolutionary city to war-torn land and was desecrated, now the only thing that remains is the rubble of the city and the statues of Avatar Aang and Zuko.
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The Cave of Two Lovers
Located near the city of Omashu in the Earth Kingdom, the Cave of Two Lovers, also known as the Secret Tunnel, is a series of caverns which is considered the birthplace of earthbending and has become a place of legend revered by bards.
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Serpent's Pass
The Serpent's Pass is a narrow strip of land located between the East and West Lakes and serves as one of the few direct paths to Ba Sing Se. It is named after the serpent which guards it, making the pass feared in the Earth Kingdom.
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Si Wong Desert
The Si Wong Desert is an arid region located in the central Earth Kingdom. It is the largest, driest, and hottest desert on Earth, and due to its extreme climate, the region is almost impossible to successfully cross. The desert is sparsely populated by Sandbender Tribes and beetle-headed merchants.
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Wan Shing Tong's Library
Wu Long Forest
The Wulong Forest is a geographical feature and was the location of the final battle of the Hundred Year War between Fire Lord Ozai and Avatar Aang. It is characterized by the hundreds of rock columns that tower over the landscape.
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Zaofu is an autonomous city state, home of the Metal Clan, and regarded by some as the safest city in the world. The clan's founder, Suyin Beifong, constructed the settlement entirely out of metal in the Earth Kingdom.
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